2024 Annual General Meeting

Notice of 2024 AGM

The 2024 Annual General Meeting of the Pilates Association Australia will be held on:

Friday 20 September 2024, 4.00pm (AEST)


The deadline for online registration to attend the AGM is: Thursday 19 September 2024 at 5pm

The meeting will be conducted online via Zoom.

Special Resolution

The following resolution will be proposed as a special resolution:

• That the deletions, insertions and changes to the current constitution as set out in Annexure A, be immediately adopted

(You will need your membership number in order to register.)


  1. Welcome & apologies
  2. Confirm minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting
  3. President’s Report
  4. Receive the reviewed financial statements for the 2023/2024 financial year
  5. Vote on the Special Resolution to Amend the Constitution
  6. Election of Committee members (see below)
  7. Any other business

Amendments to the PAA Constitution

It is proposed to amend the current PAA Constitution to:

  • Specify a maximum number of committee members (10)
  • Allow the committee to appoint up to two committee members, who may be voting members, non-voting members or non-members of the association, because they have expertise that will assist the committee
  • Allow the maximum tenure of a committee member (nine years) to be waived by ordinary resolution at a General Meeting of members
  • Include wording recommended by the Australian Taxation Office to allow the PAA to be tax exempt

Proxy Voting on the motion to update the Constitution

Voting will be available for members attending the meeting via Zoom. Zoom voting allows each online attendee to place a single vote, so they cannot also place proxy votes.

Proxy voting forms are available at the link below for members who are unable to attend the meeting online.

Fully completed and signed proxy voting forms should be emailed to info@pilates.org.au by 5pm, Thursday 19 September 2024.

Ensure you clearly state whether you are for, against or abstain from adopting the proposed changes to the Constitution.


Robyn Rix (President) has reached the end of her second three-year term (as outlined in the PAA Constitution) and has decided to stand again for election.

Nominations were invited for the following positions which are up for election at this meeting:

  • President
  • Treasurer
  • At least two ordinary committee members


Nominations have closed and since the number of nominations received by the deadline was less than the number of vacant committee positions there is no requirement for an election.

The new Committee will be announced at the AGM.


Apologies may be emailed to info@pilates.org.au


Document links:

PAA Audited Financial Statements FY2024
2023 PAA AGM Meeting Minutes
Annexure A – Proposed Changes to the PAA Constitution
Current PAA Constitution
Proxy Voting Form

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