The Committee Prepare For The PAA Conference 2013

Main room picOn Friday 26th July we all gathered together for the final site survey of Technology Park (location of the PAA Conference) and our annual face to face meeting before the big event begins on the 6th September!

It was a wonderful experience to be able to walk the area that Mejo Wiggin,   Brent Anderson, Brett Howard, Blossom Leilani Crawford and Ken Endleman will be presenting at in only a few weeks.

The space is truly amazing and clearly sought after for these type of high profile ‘gigs,’ as I do believe it is the same location MasterChef is filmed!

If you came to the conference two years ago and are worried about the cold being a problem for you this year, worry no more! We have taken this into account and this time the Conference is in September rather than July and the weather will be warming up nicely by then.

The PAA would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all your feedback regarding this issue from the last Conference and we hope you feel happy with our decision to change the date. If you would like to find out how to register or to read information about the presenters and sponsors please click on this link: PAA Conference 2013

Theatre picLocomotive room pic


Balcony pic

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