No matter what kind of small business you run there are Small Business Commissions (SBC) across Australia that may be able to help you.
Each state-based SBC offers a range of free or low-cost services, information and resources aimed at helping your small business succeed.
New South Wales Small Business Commissioner
The NSW Small Business Commission assists small business through advocating for their interests. The Commission operates a subsidised mediation service to help businesses resolve disputes quickly and efficiently and works with government, industry groups and other stakeholders to reduce red tape and make it easier for small businesses to operate.
Their services include:
Advocacy: the NSW Small Business Commission can speak on behalf of an individual, small business, or group of businesses to raise important matters with governments or larger businesses. The Commission also participates in many government and industry committees and forums to represent the interests of small business, to ensure their needs are considered in policy making.
Guides and training: the NSW Small Business Commission’s free guides and online training are an ideal introduction to contracting aimed at helping small businesses succeed in key areas.
Mediation: the NSW Small Business Commission offers a cost-effective mediation service to help resolve many types of disputes without the high cost and delays of going to court.
Selling to the NSW government: the NSW Small Business Commission has developed education resources to help small businesses qualify as government suppliers and compete successfully for government contracts. For businesses new to contracting, the Commission has a free online course Winning Business, to help you improve your business pitch when bidding for private or public sector contracts.
For more information visit: https://www.smallbusiness.nsw.gov.au/
Victorian Small Business Commission (VSBC)
The VSBC offers low-cost dispute resolution services, including mediation and champions the rights of small businesses. The VSBC also provides small businesses with the right tools to avoid or resolve disputes quickly, so they can focus on building their businesses.
Their services include:
Preliminary assistance: VSBC staff can provide information to small business on their rights and obligations to prevent or help resolve issues. This is done by email, over the phone, on the website or through Fact sheets and brochures.
Pre-mediation assistance: VSBC will contact both parties, by phone or email to help resolve the dispute.
Low-cost mediation: VSBC gets both parties together with an experienced independent mediator to confidentially discuss issues and try to reach an agreement.
Information and resources: VSBC offers a comprehensive website, a helpline, information materials, news and events to help businesses build their knowledge.
Knowledge building: VSBC educates small business on business practice and behaviours that promote better decision making through events and initiatives.
For more information visit: https://www.vsbc.vic.gov.au/
Small Business Development Corporation (SBDC) Western Australia
The SBDC is a Western Australian State Government agency that provides free advice and resources, and low-cost services to support small business owners throughout WA.
Their services include:
Business Advisory Services:Free business advisory services, including specialist commercial tenancy advice, for WA business owners, and a dispute resolution service to help small businesses in dispute with another business or Government agency.
Business Skills Development: A range of low-cost workshops to help business owners develop the skills they need to start and grow their businesses.
Business information: Free resources to help businesses create essential documents and build knowledge; a Business Licence Finder tool to identify approvals and permits businesses need; access to market research, small business updates and more via the website.
For more information visit: smallbusiness.wa.gov.au
Queensland Small Business Commissioner (QSBC)
The QSBC provides a range of services for small businesses focussed on enhancing the operating environment for small businesses in Queensland such as raising awareness, sharing information, advocacy and providing support and assistance to reduce the time and costs associated with resolving small business disputes.
Their services include:
Get help: QSBC has created fact sheets which cover some of the most common dispute topics faced by small businesses, as well as information, facts to consider and tips to help you work towards resolving the dispute.
Leasing disputes: QSBC provides help resolving different types of business disagreements, including a mediation service for leasing disputes.
Small Business Friendly Program: this program provides the framework, support and tools required to help local governments, Queensland Government agencies and large enterprises to realise their role in supporting small businesses.
Small business resources: QSBC provides connections to a range of information and support services, that may assist with starting, operating and growing a small business in Queensland, as well as other resources relating to digital security, employment, disputes, wellbeing services, financial assistance and business health checks.
For more information visit: https://qsbc.qld.gov.au/
South Australian Small Business Commissioner (SASBC)
The South Australian Small Business Commissioner (SASBC) is an independent statutory authority dedicated to assisting small business owners in South Australia to resolve disputes with other business owners, or state and local government.
SASBC provides free advice and support to business owners who are involved in a dispute to reach a mutually agreeable solution, simultaneously assisting parties to understand their rights and responsibilities. If a resolution cannot be reached through negotiation, SASBC can facilitate low-cost mediation through their office with an expert accredited mediator.
Challenges SASBC can help small business owners navigate include but are not limited to:
Unpaid invoices
Warranty and contractual disputes
Disagreements relating to goods or services
Retail and commercial leasing issues
Discussions regarding farm debt and mediations with creditors
Issues arising from motor vehicles and equipment purchased for business use.
SASBC also:
Advocates on behalf of the small business community or sectors regarding collective issues
Collaborates with stakeholders and engages with small businesses to provide information and guidance.
For more information visit: https://www.sasbc.sa.gov.au/
NT – Small Business Champions
If you’re a Northern Territory (NT) business, Aboriginal enterprise or not-for-profit, you can get help from a small business champion. A small business champion can help you identify the types of support your business can access. Businesses can also get support with networking, contacts, information, tools and resources.
The NT business support guide is designed to help you during each stage of your business journey. The guide features a range of programs, funding and support services available and also features specific support for key industries including agribusiness, civil and construction, creative industries, mining and energy, and tourism.
For more information visit: https://nt.gov.au/industry/business-support/business-support-services
If you’re a Tasmanian small business the Small Business Advocate may be able to provide support to assist you to resolve issues with government departments, local councils and larger business entities.
Small Business team
Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC)
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