![Jen Guest PAA President](/wp-content/uploads/Jen-2.jpg)
Jen Guest PAA President
Welcome to our final newsletter for the year.
The PAA AGM was held on 18 November 2016 at the Australian Technology Park. It was attended by 18 members and this year there was an increase in proxy votes submitted by members who could not attend. I feel that this is indicates an increase in member participation and awareness of the PAA and its management committee, and I take this to be a positive trend.
Thank you to all for re electing me as the President of the PAA for the next two years. I appreciate your trusting me to continue with the Strategic and associated Work Plans, working further on the needs and benefits of the key stakeholders of this industry organisation. I also welcome the additional three year term of our secretary Mary McArthur and would like to express my heartfelt thanks to her and also to Vice President Sharan Simmons, Treasurer Jeremy Hunt and all the committee for their ongoing commitment, energy and support.
I welcome new ordinary member Raphael Bender. Raphael is Director of Breathe Education and please refer to the introductory article written by him within the body of this newsletter. In addition, we have invited members Susan Cottrell and Joanne Bezzina to assist as invited members on the PAA Conference ‘17 subcommittee.
The Work Plan for 2017 identifies four major initiatives:
- The PAA Conference 2017
- Member Benefits
- Media and Marketing
- Research
The committee will also continue to extend the other project works outlined in the PAA Strategic Direction 2016-2020 document.
Our next conference is to be held at the newly redeveloped Sydney International Convention Centre on Darling Harbour from 15–17 September 2017.
International presenters Alan Herdman, Kathi Ross Nash and Madeline Black were swift to accept our invitation to present at the conference in Sydney next year. They intend bringing some exciting topics and new works to share with us and we are very much looking forward to their contribution to a splendid conference event.
We also have a selection of wonderful National presenters delivering workshops and classes throughout the three day event.
Member Benefits have been a focus during 2016. The Member Benefits page on the website lists those organisations offering discounts to PAA members. The number of affiliates has increased nicely, and includes equipment, studio supplies, discounts to Pilatesology and the Motion and Muscle App.
I am also proud to announce the implementation of an online journal: The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapy. This online journal will be launched in February and will be accessible to full members of the PAA. There will be four journals per year, as well as access to past publications.
The inaugural PAA Research Grant has been awarded to PAA member Melissa Mazzarino, who is undertaking her Phd thesis at Latrobe University. As part of her thesis, Melissa is conducting a quantitative study entitled ‘Pilates Method of exercise for low-risk pregnant women: A feasibility study’. Melissa will offer us literature and updates on her project and report on progress over the coming 18 months. Melissa is a passionate midwife and Pilates instructor and I congratulate her on her research project and wish her every success.
In 2017, we will again offer further Research Grants to successful applicants involved in running research that can be directly related to the Pilates Method. The application process and closing dates will be announced in early January 2017.
On notice from the Department of Fair Trading NSW, the Associations Incorporated Act 2009 has been superseded by the Associations Incorporated Act 2016. In line with this, the PAA Constitution must be re registered before 1 July 2017. Prior to re registration, the committee will examine making amendments and changes to our current constitution, including addressing two anomalies identified at the 2015 AGM. This is a timely initiative and members are encouraged to read their constitution again and submit comments and suggestions for amendments.
The constitution can be downloaded from the PAA Website here. Changes will be collated by the general committee and the revised constitution will be presented at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the PAA for voting and acceptance prior to submission to the Department of Fair Trading NSW. Please send any queries or questions to mary@pilates.org.au
As we approach the New Year, I would like to sincerely thank my hard working Management Committee. All members have contributed greatly to the working of the PAA this year and without their efforts we would not be seeing the amazing benefits now available to our members.
Have a happy, relaxed and safe Christmas. Congratulate yourselves on the achievements and successes of the past year and I look forward to speaking with you all in the New Year.
Merry Christmas!
Jen xx
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