Jen Guest
President's Report April 2015
Welcome to the New Year! 2015 is our conference year and the PAA conference committee have secured some amazing international and national presenters, and are putting together a wonderful few days of workshops and presentations. Please mark your diary and keep 22 – 25 October available to attend, again at the well appointed Australian Technology Park in Sydney.
Our Membership Online System is operating well under the new provider. The new system has proved to be more user friendly for both members and administration. I would like to thank Stan Barnes from Bookings Essential in putting many hours into the redevelopment and migration of the system, as well as working with our System’s and Members Relation’s Officers.
In February, the media opened the discussion of cancelled Health Insurance rebates for complimentary therapies. This discussion has been floating around for at least 18 months. In August 2013, past President Lanette Gavran and Vice President Olga Tamara met with APMA hierarchy in Canberra, where the latter presented the case for Pilates as a recognized therapy. To date, there has been no response to the APMA from Government sources. We do know that all therapies require evidence based research of authenticity and outcomes in order to achieve recognition. The PAA will be focusing on providing assistance to any member undertaking research or literature reviews of the Pilates Method. We understand that this is a vital component of the progression of Pilates in the future. We currently have several members undertaking research; you may remember answering surveys via email. So please keep an eye out and let us know of any local happenings!
This year, we would like to hear more from our members. I would like to know what events you have planned in your studios or within the community, any creative ideas you may have for promoting Pilates and news of the successes and achievements of your clients. It is always lovely to share news, especially for those who are sole practitioners. Let the PAA be your voice in the community and we can all share and communicate with one another.
The Media and Marketing Committee have successfully distributed the new PAA Brochures to medical centres around Australia. Please read the additional article written by Marcia in this newsletter outlining how to download more brochures for member’s use.
The committee will be meeting more frequently this year, so there will be greater opportunity for membership reviews, questions and developments.
Our Newsletter will continue to be published quarterly. We welcome stories, favorite exercises and articles written by our members for inclusion.
Everyone have a wonderful and successful first half of the year and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Jen x
PAA President
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