Pilates Science website is passed on to PAA
We are delighted to advise that the website, Pilates Science, has been passed over to the Pilates Alliance Australasia. The website contained research from Medline, a research database, published December 2017 to February 2020.
I would like to acknowledge the excellent work that Enja Schenck from Classical Pilates NYC has done in setting up this website. It is a huge amount of work to maintain a website like this.
I had been working on building a website to share the research that was submitted to the Natural Therapies Review in 2019. There were over 400 studies submitted and I have continued to collate research since the submission. There are hundreds of studies on the effectiveness of Pilates. All this info has been sitting in a spreadsheet on my computer and the Pilates Science website gives me a huge head start in giving interested parties access to the information.
Dr Penny Latey, the Pilates representative on the Natural Therapies Review Expert Advisory Committee, also has a large database of research papers and will be contributing and assisting with the website.
Enja was adding studies manually to her site, categorised by conditions and date published. I wanted to find a more efficient way to do this & finally I had a breakthrough. I have now added some of the studies relating to multiple sclerosis as an example of how this will look.
The site also lists authors of Pilates papers and a “how to” guide for research, amongst other things.
I will continue to update the site. There are likely to be gaps and missing information but I want to get as much information on the site as quickly as possible and then fill in the gaps.
If you have any suggestions for the Pilates Science website, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Robyn Rix, PAA President
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