So much is going on behind the scenes of the PAA that we thought it time to give an update.
Natural Therapies Review: The review into the effectiveness of Pilates, to determine if health fund rebates should be reinstated, continues. Dr Penny Latey has been spending a significant amount of time reviewing research and providing feedback to the Health Department as they work toward producing the report on Pilates. We are hopeful that we will have more information on the potential release date of the report in the next few months.
Advocacy actions: Circular 69/18 became effective from April 1, 2019, making it illegal for health funds to pay rebates for Pilates classes. We have concerns about the advertising by various allied health professionals promoting classes that we believe are in breach of the circular. We are working on making formal complaints to the ACCC, the private health sector and the Federal Health Department. I would like to thank Dr Penny Latey, and Lizzi Webb and Megan Williams from the APMA for their involvement in this project.
Australian Pilates Method Association: In March, a vote taken by APMA members asking if the APMA should merge with AUSactive, was defeated. The executive committee, who had been supportive of the merger, stepped down and a new committee was elected. We are continuing discussions with the new committee as one of our goals is to have one strong industry voice for Pilates.
Pilates Method Alliance: The PMA, which primarily represents Pilates instructors in the USA, has experienced some turmoil over the past few years, in part due to the Black Lives Matter movement. They have made changes to their organisation and the current CEO, Carla Harris, reached out to us, looking for opportunities for synergies and collaboration. Areas that we are initially considering are around the provision of continuing education, research collation and common global issues facing the Pilates industry.
Podcast: Bruce Hildebrand has been doing an amazing job creating the PAA podcast. Please see his summary of this important initiative in our next newsletter (26 May).
PAA conference 2023: It seems like only yesterday that we wrapped up our 2021 conference, but we are already in the early stages of planning for our conference next year. We will be providing information to you as we firm up dates, location, design and presenters. If you want to help out in any way, please contact Sharan Simmons at sharan@pilates.org.au.
Training provider strategy: We are reviewing the most appropriate/suitable structure to ensure the PAA continues to support quality Pilates education. We are holding discussions with our current training providers to explore options.
Stakeholder Management Plan: Meredith Brooks, our Treasurer, is working on a stakeholder management plan. More information will be forthcoming over the next few months.
Mentoring program: This is a program that we consider an important development to support our members. Some excellent plans and discussions have been had and we anticipate a survey in the near future to ascertain the views of our members on the best way to maximise the impact of a mentoring program. We would like to thank Kim Paxton, Narelle Forbes and Sharan Simmons for their work on this front.
Instructor search: We currently are working on our online instructor search to improve its usability and provision of information.
Elders project: Several committee members have been compiling and distributing information on Pilates elders, which is an invaluable record of the historical importance of individuals that have shaped our industry. Thanks to Andree Lupton and Eve Fairbairn for their dedication in researching and presenting this information.
History of Australian Pilates Pioneers: In June, it will be the 20-year anniversary of the PAA. We are collecting information on the individuals who contributed to creating a strong Pilates presence in Australia. This is a major undertaking and the first step will be a timeline showing important dates and developments.
Member Masterclasses: New monthly member only masterclasses with Australian teachers began in March and are being very well received. Thanks to Eve Fairbairn who is scheduling and hosting these classes. Presenters have been confirmed to September.
If you would like to be involved in any of these projects, please send an email to info@pilates.org.au expressing your area of interest.
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