![Jen Guest PAA President](/wp-content/uploads/Jen-2.jpg)
Jen Guest PAA President
Welcome to the New Year everyone. I sincerely hope that you all had a fabulous Christmas and New Year Period.
It is indeed Conference year – social media blasts are asking us all to hold the date 15th-17th September 2017 for a 3 day feast of amazing International and National presenters at the beautifully appointed International Convention Centre Sydney on Darling Harbour.
At this point in time, all full members would have now received an email from Elsevier inviting them to access the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies: a journal which I have always found very resourceful. Happy reading team.
Just a reminder that we received notice from the Department of Fair Trading NSW. The Associations Incorporated Act 2009 has been superseded by the Associations Incorporated Act 2016. In line with this, the PAA Constitution must be re-registered before 1 July 2017. Prior to re-registration, the committee will examine making amendments and changes to our current constitution, including addressing two anomalies identified at the 2015 AGM.
This is a timely initiative and members are encouraged to read their constitution again and submit comments and suggestions for amendments. The constitution can be downloaded from the PAA website. Changes will be collated by the general committee and the revised constitution will be presented at an Extraordinary General Meeting of the PAA for voting and acceptance prior to submission to the Department of Fair Trading NSW. Please send any queries or questions to mary@pilates.org.au
The four major initiatives for 2017 are,
- The PAA Conference 2017
- Member Benefits
- Media and Marketing
- Research
Members will be updated frequently on registration details and general information regarding the conference. The PAA will continue to develop and engage member’s benefits for all levels of membership, sole instructors and studios. If anybody has an interesting story, case study or community event, let us know, post them on social media with #paa. Melissa Mazzarino, our first research grant recipient, discussing Pilates as a form of exercise for the Pre Natal population, will keep us updated on her works throughout this year via this newsletter.
The resource section on the website is currently being extended. You will find a new guide to Instructor pay rates, policy guidelines for the use of Social Media are being formulated, and also coming is the revised Scope of Practice of the Pilates Instructor.
As part of this process, the PAA is going to run a series of four short, concise surveys. These surveys will be addressing Instructor Pay Rates from a market level, member benefits, continuing education and Industry status. Our goal is to encourage greater member engagement in the ongoing development of this Industry Body.
On that note, I wish each and everyone of you a wonderful start to the year.
Jen x
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