Welcome to the May 2016 PAA Newsletter
I sincerely hope that you all had a Happy Easter, Peaceful Anzac Day and a Happy Mother’s Day. Also last weekend, on May 7th, we celebrated World Pilates Day. If anyone held a special event within their Studio or community, we would love for you to share your story and pictures. Just email them to kerry@pilates.org.au.
You may well have noticed an increasing social media presence through the PAA. Our Social Media representative, Ella Wong is sharing posts across the mediums of Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. You can assist with this by sharing any posts that pass your way, liking them and tagging them with #PAA #PAApilatesrulz.
In line with our Strategic Plan of 2016-2020, the PAA subcommittee for Members Benefits have been developing a collective of affiliate partners, who will be providing discounts to our members. Coming soon will be an Affiliate Page on the PAA website, which will highlight these organisations and what they are offering. In addition, there will be mini campaigns throughout the year with special offers for members.
PAA full and mat members are now listed under Australian initiative, Whitecoat. This is a national directory of recognised Allied Health Practitioners and we have had the privilege to be invited into the listings. You have all received an email from our Systems Officer, Kerry Haywood outlining this initiative with an opt out option if one did not wish to be listed. Once listed, you may go into your profile and update your details and biography. This is a free service with over 3000 practitioners listed and well recognised amongst the Allied Health and Medical Services.
Committee member Kristy Smith, kristy@pilates.org,au, is a marketing guru in another life and is working to strengthen the PAA brand. You may notice subtle changes to fonts and colours, giving the PAA a strong and sharp professional look. If you are requiring assistance with any PAA branding in relation to your own studios, feel free to email Kristy.
The PAA is marking an increased presence at Health Expos, Fitness Conferences and Allied Health Seminars. We are holding exhibitors stands whereby we can educate the community on recognised instructors, studios and Education Bodies, provide short talks and blog access. We are more than happy to assist any members who wish to be involved in an event in their home town to spread an accurate word on our Industry and Peak Body.
There is only approximately 15-17 months to the 2017 PAA Biennial Conference. Dates and Venue will be finalised in the coming two months to allow you all to save the dates – Stay Tuned.
Have a lovely Autumn everybody. I look forward to “chatting” with some of you over the coming three months. I always enjoy hearing from you via phone or email. Happy reading the May Newsletter and thank you to all of those who contributed articles.
Bye for now.
Jen x
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