Member Uploads – Pilates Certifications

Upgrade your Membership level online.

As the PAA work towards a greater level of recognition within the industry, community and allied health we want to highlight the extensive experience and dedication of our members and encourage all members to upload their Pilates certifications and to work towards upgrading their membership level as they meet the requirements.

The final committee meeting for 2013 is 13th Dec, all members applying for an upgrade must upload all necessary documentation to their online member file by 3rd Dec for review at the upcoming meeting.

Check out the upgrade requirements here.

Your online member upgrade application is available under member login/ member applications/ member upgrade, this involves providing a summary of hours earned for each year since certification (following the example provided), substantiating your hours earned with employers letters or a Stat Dec if you are self employed and providing 2 peer references.

The next committee meeting is 14th Feb 2014, upgrade applications to be in by 4th Feb.

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