Marketing is at our fingertips. With the development of social media, websites, online bookings, blogs, vlogs (video blog), anyone can stay in touch with the latest trends and strategies. Armed with a few helpful hints to get you started, you can have your marketing plan locked and loaded.
Before any business opens its doors, a business plan should be written, re written, only to be written again, in order to keep up with the ever-changing trends within the marketplace. If you haven’t written one, or if you did but then forgot about it, don’t fret, there is one section that with a small amount of TLC can re-inspire you and hopefully boost your business quickly. Enter the sexy marketing plan! Don’t be overwhelmed. This doesn’t have to be a 5,000-word essay. It just needs to ask some provoking questions and contain a wee list of things to do and then you’re in business.
Who is your target market? We all know the answer to this one …everyone – right? Wrong! Take a closer look and narrow it down to gender, profession and age. You might spot a time trend i.e. 6am- 7am professionals, 8-10am mums, the midday self-employed. I am not saying this is the rule, every location is different, but I bet if you look closely you will spot some kind of trend. Find it and define it.
Where do they hang out? Facebook, mothers’ groups, schools, golf clubs, surf clubs, book clubs and so on.
What are you going to do about it? Create a social media network, give talks at local clubs or write articles on the benefits of Pilates for local newsletters.
When are you going to do it? Schedule yourself a timeframe and book in some marketing time in your week, just as you would book in a client.
Measure it. Things need to measurable. You need to know what efforts bring you fruit and what bring nothing. When you get your new influx of clients, ask them how they found out about you and keep a record of this. After 6 months, have a look and see what works and throw out what is not working. Then add 2 new ideas to your plan. Don’t stop this process. Your marketing list should always be evolving.
Create a budget. Time is money. Keep a record of how many hours you spend a week on marketing and if your time and effort outweighs your return, something needs a tweak. And of course make allowance for actual $s needed for fliers, business cards, design and keep in mind these things can be relatively cheap. Don’t spend more than you expect to earn.
Note to all: if you don’t have time to pound the pavement (or the key board), find someone who does, or borrow a teenager as they are great with Facebook and will sometimes work for cake!
Here are some hints to put in your ‘What are you going to do about it’ section:
Social media. It’s free, available and a quick way of posting something new. Try to spend 15 minutes a day replying to comments. Use Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Google and blogs – the list goes on. Find out what your target market prefers and play with it.
Local school fetes, local markets. Set up a stall and offer a special introductory pack to passers by. A limited discount is ok, but free is not. Value your services and others will too.
Build a strong referral network of local practitioners. Don’t be afraid to book an appointment with the closest physiotherapy or medical clinic to have a chat. Invite them over, refer to them, and explain to them what you do.
School drop-offs and pick-ups are a location where a target market could be just waiting to find out about your studio. Ask the school if they would mind if you spend a couple of mornings/evenings handing out fliers and talking with mums. Run a mat class nearby.
Enquire of local dance schools, golf clubs, rowing clubs or any kind of club as to whether they will put an article in their newsletter.
If you just sit for 20 minutes and brainstorm, you will come up with some great ideas. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas and talk to other business owners about what they find works.
Happy marketing!
Liz Chamas – PAA Committee Ordinary Member
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