Linda McGoldrick
Precision Pilates, Bathurst NSW
Instructor Name: Linda McGoldrick
Studio(s) you work at: Precision Pilates
Location: Bathurst
Instructor training: Fully Comprehensive Teacher Training Diploma (USA)
PAA Level: Studio Instructor
What originally motivated you to try Pilates and then go on to train as an instructor?
I used to be a long distance runner (and I mean LONG distance, crazy mountain ultra runs) and needed something to fill the void as I had stopped running competitively. I had tried mat Pilates back in Scotland (where I am originally from) but it wasn’t until I tried a reformer class that I was hooked. I didn’t intend to become a Pilates instructor but thought I would undertake the training to “just” further develop my own practice. Little did I know!
What did you eat for breakfast?
This morning I had a bagel and coffee. Normally on a weekday I have nothing….which is bad of me I know!
In one word, describe your first Pilates experience?
What’s the best thing about your job?
It definitely doesn’t feel like a job to me, I get to see people every day that I hang out with, and try help them to try to live a pain free life. The Pilates Method is just such a beautiful way to move and live. It’s just the most wonderful gift that Joseph Pilates gave us and I feel very blessed to be able to carry on his work.
Your ‘go to’ website for all things Pilates (other than PAA)?
It changes every day, depending on what I’m looking for.
What’s your favourite Pilates podcast? Why do you recommend it?
I love listening to Leslie Logan, Pilates Instructor and Business Coach.
The best advice you’ve ever had?
Only YOU can do what YOU do the way YOU do it.
An indulgence you can’t live without?
Can I say 4? Coffee, red wine, my 2 dogs and lunch dates with my husband…not necessarily in that order!
How long have you been a member of PAA and how did you hear about PAA?
I joined PAA not long after I arrived in Australia from the USA. I had been a member of the USA equivalent (the PMA) and I feel it’s important to be aligned to an organisation that has our industry’s best interests at heart.
Do you have a motto?
Not a motto as such but there is a quote by Thomas Jefferson called “The Man in the Arena” . The man in the arena refers to someone who is heavily involved in a situation that requires courage, skill, or tenacity, as opposed to someone just sitting on the sidelines watching. It’s about standing strong when tested.
What’s the most challenging aspect of your job?
Not so much now but when I worked in South Carolina the Scottish accent definitely caused some issues. Nothing some humour didn’t solve though.
How do you use PAA?
It’s brilliant for those continuing education courses for the PDP points.
Who is your Pilates idol or would love to meet, and why?
Kathy Ross Nash. Her knowledge and expertise on Pilates is unrivaled. Her teaching on the “Red Thread” of Pilates is fascinating, how we link each exercise to its companion on the reformer and other pieces of apparatus, as well as linking each exercise to the one prior and to the ones after (layering and skill building), and its connection to all spinal movements. Hence the “thread” that runs through it all.
What do you appreciate most about your body?
As I’m getting older, things are changing. I am grateful that I am still in able to move pain free after the stressful exercise I put my body through when I was younger. And I know that Pilates will allow me to continue to move (and hopefully teach) pain free well into my 60s, 80s and beyond.
The book you’re currently reading?
The Red Thread – The Integrated System and Variations of Pilates – The Mat – Kathryn Ross-Nash

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