Helen Stamatakos
Pilates Insync, Menai NSW
Instructor Name: Helen Stamatakos
Studio(s) you work at: Pilates Insync
Location: Menai NSW
Instructor training: Diploma of Polestar Pilates and rehab method (Polestar) and Diploma of Professional Pilates Instruction (Pilates ITC)
PAA Level: Professional Principal Trainer
What originally motivated you to try Pilates and then go on to train as an instructor?
I had suffered from back pain from caring for my disabled mother as a teenager.
After the birth of my kids my sisters suggested I try Pilates as they said ‘Madonna does Pilates’. I searched for classes in my local area and and took classes 3 times a week for 2 years before I was encouraged to start the journey as an instructor.
What did you eat for breakfast?
2 eggs on sourdough toast
Avocado on the side
cup of tea
In one word, describe your first Pilates experience?
What’s the best thing about your job?
Helping people to move better
Every day is better than the previous day – I have fun and get to help so many people from cancer clients to elite athletes like rhythmic gymnasts and Olympic athletes
Your ‘go to’ website for all things Pilates (other than PAA)?
Pilates Anytime
What’s your favourite Pilates podcast? Why do you recommend it?
Balanced Body do great podcasts
I love the ‘athletic training’ – such as Pilates for golfers as I teach a pro golfer
The best advice you’ve ever had?
Practice practice practice
You cannot be a great teacher if you have not mastered the method yourself
An indulgence you can’t live without?
How long have you been a member of PAA and how did you hear about PAA?
13 years. I heard about the PAA when I was studying with Polestar many years ago
Do you have a motto?
I have many mottos but my favs is
* If you don’t set it up… you will f#%k it up
(take time to set up an exercise for maximum benefit)
What’s the most challenging aspect of your job?
Running a business and staff absences (so organising covers)
How do you use PAA?
Love staying up to date and current in the industry
Professional development like conferences and workshops are important to attend to stay fresh
Who is your Pilates idol or would love to meet, and why?
I would have loved to have met Clara – Joseph Pilates wife. Jo was the creator but Clara was the one who vocalised and clarified how to adapt the exercises to fit each client.
What do you appreciate most about your body?
The book you’re currently reading?
How to Win Friends and Influence People – Dale Carnegie

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