Happy New Year! I hope you had a restful holiday period and were able to spend time with family and friends despite the many restrictions across the country.
After a challenging and exhausting 2020, the quieter holiday break has provided the perfect opportunity to recharge our batteries and reset for an exciting year ahead. Our focus is on growing membership, promotion of Pilates and expanding services to members.
It’s a Conference year!
PAA committee and sub committees are gearing up for a big year in 2021. It’s a Conference year again for PAA and with the uncertainty of travel and the constantly changing restrictions we are re envisioning this year’s event. Virtual, hybrid, interactive? Watch this space.
Let us know who you would like to see present or work with or perhaps you would like to share your skills. If you are keen to get involved please contact us at info@pilates.org.au.
2021 is here but Covid is not going away
We have all implemented strict cleaning and safety procedures in our studios and workplaces to keep staff and clients safe, however with recent outbreaks and hotspots some restrictions and requirements have changed. Be aware of the current rules in your State particularly relating to masks, density rules and check in requirements. As clients return from holidays a little more relaxed it is important to remind everyone of the current guidelines and reinforce your studio procedures.
New webinar topics invited
During 2020 we embraced the technology and made full use of our Zoom subscription as a channel for sharing information and having discussions about COVID. We are now planning our 2021 webinar series for the year and want your input. What do you want to know more about? What is your greatest challenge right now? Let us know!
Natural Therapies Review
The work on the Natural Therapies Review continues after delays during 2020 due to COVID, and the NTREAP panel meet again this month. The review for Tranche 1 which includes Pilates is expected mid year (if there are no further delays). We will share all the news as it becomes available.
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