Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

On this page we’ve collected answers to some of our most common enquiries. This includes information about the PAA, membership and joining, health fund recognition, professional development and PDPs, technical help, and many other subjects.

You can search the database or simply browse through the list of questions at the bottom, and if you still can’t find an answer you can submit your question and we’ll answer you directly.

FAQ Search

Use the box below to search our FAQ for an answer to your question:

FAQ List

Look through all of our Frequently Asked Questions to find the information you require:


If your workshop, masterclass or course has been approved by the PAA for Professional Development Points (PDPs), you may advertise it to our members via email and to the wider Pilates community via our social media pages.

For more information on having your workshop approved by the PAA:

To submit an advertisement for your workshop:




A Cert IV in Pilates Matwork is a great entry point into the Pilates industry and you can teach Pilates mat classes in Pilates studios, gyms or other fitness studios.

The Cert IV in Pilates Matwork can then lead to a Diploma qualification to be qualified on all the Pilates apparatus and teach healthy and low-risk clients.

Different Training Providers offer and deliver their courses in various ways, so research which one would suit you best.

Further information for each PAA recognised Training Provider is available here:

To obtain a student visa you must be enrolled in a full time course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) as well as satisfying several other requirements.

There are currently no Pilates instructor courses included in the register.


Your employer will require Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance in place to cover your teaching. The Studio policy may cover employees to instruct, however, if it doesn’t you will need to source your own insurance.

To ensure you are covered, check with your employer which scenario is applicable.

Entity Cover is professional indemnity and public liability insurance for your business. This is different to your personal insurance coverage, or that of clinicians working in your practice. If your business is named in a legal action, these costs are not covered by your standard PAA insurance policy. This is where Entity Cover comes in.

It is important to note that Entity Cover does not cover clinicians for their actions while working within your clinic.

Please contact BMS on 1800 940 764 or at  to discuss insurance options and obtain an application form.

To add your business name onto your policy, you need to purchase Business Entity Insurance.

Contact BMS on 1800 940 764 or at  to discuss insurance options and obtain an application form.

Business Insurance

Business Insurance is designed for Allied Health and Medical businesses with assets not exceeding $5 million. It covers various general elements of business risk relating to property and interruption to operations; it is comprised of two main sections of cover, being Material Damage and Business Interruption.

 Cyber Security & Privacy Liability

Cyber Liability coverage responds to various losses resulting from but not limited to, stolen credentials, malware, phishing and social engineering and insider threats. Cover is provided for loss suffered by your business, claims made by third parties affected and for your business interruption in the event of a breach.

Personal Accident

Personal Accident insurance is designed for companies (group cover) or individuals to provide cover in the event of death or permanent/temporary disability due to injury or sickness.

There are a range of benefits that the cover extends to provide, including but not limited to rehabilitation, corrective surgery, medical expenses and child support. Benefits are paid by either lump sum or weekly throughout the benefit period for prolonged sickness or injury.

This cover is particularly important where:

  • You are a sole trader or business owner and not covered by a workers compensation policy,
  • You are a contractor, sub-contractor or locum and not covered by a workers compensation policy,
  • You work in a high-risk industry or are off site often, or

You do not have the financial means to support yourself in the event of a serious injury or prolonged illness.

No, student members are not eligible to purchase the PAA PI insurance cover.

As a student you may be expected to teach under supervision as part of your training program. This activity will be arranged by your training provider and covered by their insurance.

Your policy does cover you to work in a home studio but there may be gaps in cover. You should also carry a home insurance policy that allows you to run a home business.

You should contact your home insurance provider and ensure that the policy you hold is compatible with your business practices or contact BMS about business insurance: 1800 940 764 or at

Your policy covers the advice you give online in the same way, with the same limitations as it does in person.

You should always operate within the limitations of your insurance policy and scope of practice. Territorial and jurisdictional limitations of the policy apply.

Please contact the BMS team at:

P: 1800 940 764


  • $10million Limit of indemnity per claim for Professional Indemnity and an annual limit of $30million
  • $20million Limit of indemnity per claim for Public and Products Liability and an annual limit of $20million
  • Access to legal counsel in the event a complaint is made against you, or you receive a notification from your regulatory body, once your claim is approved by the insurer
  • Cover is provided worldwide (excluding only the USA)
  • Retroactive cover for past activities
  • Unlimited run-off cover is available when you have a permanent leave of absence or retire
  • Cover for loss of documents including electronic data material
  • Cover for member therapy and counselling expenses in the event of a claim

As a student of a PAA registered Education Body you may be expected to teach under supervision as part of your training program. This activity will be arranged by your training provider and covered by their insurance.

For all other situations, you must be qualified before you teach Pilates. You must also hold Professional Indemnity insurance and a comprehensive government accredited first aid certificate (HLTAID003).



Members should:

  • Immediately report any potential claim to BMS,
  • Formally document the incident, including details of those involved,
  • Submit any formal statement to BMS,
  • Report any investigations or notice of complaint immediately,
  • Gather any notes and supporting documentation.

Members should not:

  • Speak with any third parties about the claim,
  • Assume any legal fees before reporting a claim,
  • Offer compensation to independently settle a claim,
  • Amend or change any previous records once a statement of claim has been received.

If you are aware of a potential claim should contact BMS Group directly at 1800 940 764 or

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All PAA insured members participating in the insurance program have access to legal counsel in the event a complaint is made against you, once your claim has been approved.

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Yes, the PAA PI Insurance Policy provides retroactive cover provided that there are no known and unreported circumstances that may lead to a claim.

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As a PAA member participating in the insurance program, cover for additional modalities is included however you must advise BMS of these to be covered.

Please contact BMS on 1800 940 764 or at to discuss insurance options.

Automatically covered for no additional premium:

  • Yoga
  • Barre
  • Power Plate
  • Core Align
  • Franklin Method
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Yes, your policy can be put into run-off in this instance. To activate run-off, please contact BMS to advise the date your retirement will commence on1800 940 764 or via email at

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The PAA Insurance Policy is a claims made policy.

This means the policy only provides cover for any prior acts as long as you have an active policy at the time of a claim. It’s therefore important to ensure you have a policy in place should you take a leave of absence (leave where you’ll likely return to work at some stage). This will ensure you’re covered should a claim arise during this time.

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No.  There is no cover for when you are providing your services to family members.

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The standard BMS policy for PAA members does not cover data breach. However, cybercrime is increasing and if you run a business you should consider protecting your clients data with a  cyber insurance policy.

Contact BMS to find out more.

You must notify the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) and all affected individuals when a data breach occurs via the following link: Report a data breach

The notification must include:

  • The identity and contact details of the entity
  • A description of the data breach
  • The kind of information concerned

A data breach happens when personal information is accessed or disclosed without authorisation, or is lost.

You need to notify a data breach:

  • If you are unable to prevent the likely risk of serious harm with remedial action
  • When it is likely to result in serious harm to any of the individuals to whom the information relates to

‘Serious harm’ is not defined in the Privacy Act. In the context of a data breach, serious harm to an individual may include serious physical, psychological, emotional, financial, or reputational harm.

Products Liability Insurance covers you for actual or alleged bodily injury or property damage to a third party arising through use of a product sold, supplied, or manufactured by you.

Public Liability Insurance provides cover for bodily injury or property damage to a third party that occurs while conducting your professional activities.

This is primarily a legal defence costs cover but also covers settlement costs in the event that you are found to be liable and/or negligent in causing the injury or property damage.

Professional Indemnity Insurance protects you against allegations or claims of financial loss due to injury, or damages that have resulted from a negligent act, error, omission, malpractice or breach of duty that has arisen out of your professional capacity as a Pilates instructor.

If you have a current claim with your previous insurance company, you will need to continue dealing directly with them. Any new claims or notifications under the PAA Insurance Program with BMS can be directed to BMS on 1800 940 764.

Yes, you can opt into the insurance program via the membership area on the PAA website at any time. The insurance policy will be calculated pro-rata to align with your PAA membership renewal.

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Ensuring PAA members have access to the most comprehensive cover, additional, evidence-based risk management material and exceptional service for insurance queries and claims is paramount.

BMS is a specialist broker dedicated to servicing associations and their members and will continue to enhance the PAA Insurance Program.

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BMS is the official and exclusive broker for the Pilates Association Australia (PAA) member insurance program. BMS is part of the wider BMS group which is dedicated to providing coverage and value-added services to associations and their members.

The BMS group provides cover to more than 700,000 healthcare and regulated professionals through 100+ associations across Australia, Canada, Europe and New Zealand. This experience gives BMS a unique insight and ability to create and deliver significantly enhanced and continuously evolving member centric insurance programs. This includes ensuring broad, market-leading coverage, evidence-based risk management and exceptional member service.

To find out more visit

If you have any questions about the insurance program or PAA Insurance Program, contact BMS at 1800 940 764 or email

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To obtain a student visa you must be enrolled in a full time course registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) as well as satisfying several other requirements.

There are currently no Pilates instructor courses included in the register.

The PAA Conference is an inclusive experience bringing the wider Pilates community together; it is open to non members as well as members.

However, PAA membership will entitle you to a significant discount on the price of your ticket.

You should complete your CPR annually, however it is not necessary to upload the certificate to your file.

Group, Studio and Professional Level members must hold a current Provide First Aid certificate and upload this to your membership file. It must be renewed every three years.

For Professional, Studio and Group Instructor memberships you are required to possess Professional Indemnity and Public Liability Insurance.

Your policy and the document you upload for approval must state the following:

  • Your name as it is shown on your membership
  • The dates of cover
  • That you are specifically covered for Pilates
  • Minimum professional indemnity cover of $2million per claim

For Group Instructor, Studio Instructor and Practitioner Level memberships you are required to hold a certificate in Provide First Aid, a nationally recognised, comprehensive first aid course.

Evidence of this must be recorded on your membership profile in the form of a current certificate (valid for 3 years).

Full members and Mat members are required to show evidence of approved professional development in the form of PDPs. The total will be required every second year at your membership renewal.

Members are required to accrue the following number of PDPs over each two-year period:

  • Pilates Practitioner and Studio Instructor Level members – 20 points
  • Group Instructor members – 15 points
  • Students/Associate members – not required

Evidence of a minimum of 5 points PDP accrual is required each year with your membership renewal. This ensures that continuing education is spread evenly throughout the two-year membership period and currency of knowledge is maintained.

50% or more PDPs must be accrued from Pilates specific courses, which focus on Pilates content, skills and competencies.

50% or more PDPs must be accrued from face to face courses.

Professional development workshops or courses must reflect learning that is of a higher standard than industry entry-level certification.

Check the following links for more information:

Professional development information

PDP accrual table

PAA approved workshop listings

Note: you do not need to upload any documents that are already on file and up to date.

In order to process your renewal swiftly you will need to have copies of the following on file:


  • No additional documents required


  • Does not renew: by the end of your student membership you will likely have qualified and may upgrade to the level appropriate to your course. If, at renewal time, you haven’t yet completed your training please contact the Membership Relations Officer to discuss your membership:

Group Instructor:

  • Provide First Aid
  • Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance (min. $2,000,000 per claim)
  • outstanding PDP certificates – to total 15 points over 2 year period, min 5 per year

Studio Instructor and Pilates Practitioner:

  • Provide First Aid
  • Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance (min. $2,000,000 per claim)
  • outstanding PDP certificates – to total 20 points over 2 year period, min 5 per year

The PAA has several categories of membership to recognise various levels of qualification or experience.  These are:

  • Student membership – for students completing a government recognised training course with a PAA recognised provider
  • Group, Studio or Professional Level membership – for qualified Pilates instructors who hold a PAA recognised qualification
  • Associate membership – for persons with an interest in the Pilates Method and its application, who have not completed recognised or comprehensive Pilates training according to PAA membership categories e.g. Physical therapists, fitness leaders, clients, general public

For more information on joining the PAA and the requirements of each membership category please visit: Membership Categories

The PAA offer several levels of membership based on qualifications and experience:

Associate Member

For persons with an interest in the Pilates Method and its application who have not completed recognised or comprehensive training according to other PAA membership categories e.g. Physical therapists, fitness leaders, clients, general public.


For students who are actively completing a training course with a PAA recognised provider. On completion of their study PAA students are entitled a 30% discount on their first membership upgrade.

Group Instructor

For Pilates instructor who are qualified with a PAA recognised Mat or Reformer qualification or historical equivalent.

Studio Instructor

For Pilates instructors who are comprehensively qualified with a PAA recognised Studio qualification.

Pilates Practitioner

For Pilates instructor who are qualified with a minimum of a PAA recognised Diploma qualification or historical equivalent.

For more information on PAA membership requirements please visit: Membership Categories

PAA Conference

The PAA Conference is an inclusive experience bringing the wider Pilates community together; it is open to non members as well as members.

However, PAA membership will entitle you to a significant discount on the price of your ticket.

PAA Organisation

Pilates is not a regulated industry in Australia so you are not required by law to be registered or licensed with a professional organisation in order to instruct.

However, many instructors find that joining the Pilates Association Australia (PAA), the Australian professional industry body for Pilates, gives them credibility and shows their commitment to the Pilates profession in Australia. It is also a valuable source of support and advice for members, amongst other tangible benefits.

Read more about PAA membership here: PAA Membership Categories


Committee meetings occur at approximately 6 weekly intervals, with additional meetings during a Conference year.

You may nominate for a place on the Committee when one becomes available. There are also opportunities to join one of the PAA sub committees.

Sub committees are formed to manage on going areas of the organisation such as Education or Research, as well as for specific projects such as the biennial PAA Conference.

If you are interested in getting involved we’d love to hear from you. Please email us :

The constitution or ‘rules’ of a not-for-profit such as the PAA are a roadmap for running the organisation.  It is also a legal requirement that an organisation and its members follow the rules of the organisation.

The PAA Constitution can be found here: PAA Constitution

All financial members of the PAA are eligible to attend the AGM.

Sharan Simmons, Member Relations Officer

Membership and general enquiries:

Office Hours: 11.00am – 4.00pm (Mon – Fri)


Phone: 0483 838 292


Kerry Haywood, System Support Officer

Technical support, accounts, advertising:

Office Hours: 9am – 2.30pm


Phone: 0412 581137

A full list of the PAA Committee members and their biographies can be found here: Committee Members

The Pilates Association Australia (PAA) , formerly Pilates Alliance Australasia (until September 2023), is an independent and not-for-profit organisation established by the Pilates industry as a regulatory body for control of quality instruction, member support and integrity within all legitimate approaches to the Pilates Method.

Read more:

About the PAA: Mission, aims and objectives

The PAA Committee

Strategic Plan

PAA Mission Statement

To advance the interests of the Pilates industry, and promote the discipline to the general public and other allied health professionals.

PAA Aims

  • to promote understanding and regulation of quality instruction within studios and Pilates training programs
  • to encourage relevant knowledge, skills and application for clients or students of the Pilates Method
  • to create an industry based on competency and the flow of legitimate, informed and non-biased information
  • to set professional standards and maintain the integrity of Pilates Method instruction, education and information
  • to maintain industry authenticity through certification programs that trace directly back to Joseph Pilates’ instruction, whilst also acknowledging modern scientific understanding of body movementn
  • to support and inform the general public in the safe and inspiring implementation of the Pilates Method
  • to be a proactive body within Australian allied health industries
  • to promote professional Pilates practitioners, their education and contribution to the Australian health and wellbeing industry
  • to progress the profession of Pilates, its workplace standards and career paths.

The PAA is managed by a committee of elected volunteers who are chosen from existing PAA members.

When a position arises eligible PAA members may be nominated and elections are held to choose a candidate for the new position. This normally occurs at the AGM.

The standard term of office is 3 years, with a maximum tenure of 3 consecutive terms.

There is more information about the current committee here: PAA Committee

When a position arises on the Committee, eligible candidates are selected by nomination and elections take place to decide the new committee member.

Elections normally take place at the Annual General Meeting of the PAA and all financial (paying) members are eligible to vote.

The date of the next Annual General Meeting, and all other Committee Meetings, can be found here: Committee meeting dates

In the first instance please address enquiries to the one of the following:


Membership and general enquiries:

Sharan Simmons, Member Relations Officer

Office Hours: 11.00am – 4.00pm (Mon – Fri)


Phone: 0483 838 292


Technical support, accounting, advertising:

Kerry Haywood, System Support Officer

Office Hours: 9am – 2.30pm


Phone: 0412 581137

Pilates Information

Pilates is not a regulated industry in Australia so you are not required by law to be registered or licensed with a professional organisation in order to instruct.

However, many instructors find that joining the Pilates Association Australia (PAA), the Australian professional industry body for Pilates, gives them credibility and shows their commitment to the Pilates profession in Australia. It is also a valuable source of support and advice for members, amongst other tangible benefits.

Read more about PAA membership here: PAA Membership Categories


As a student of a PAA registered Education Body you may be expected to teach under supervision as part of your training program. This activity will be arranged by your training provider and covered by their insurance.

For all other situations, you must be qualified before you teach Pilates. You must also hold Professional Indemnity insurance and a comprehensive government accredited first aid certificate (HLTAID003).



Information about Pilates Instructor pay rates can be found in the members area of the PAA website and is available to PAA members only. The information is aligned with the Fitness Award 2020 which is the award that Pilates sits under, according to

Fitness Industry Award 2020

To view the document you will need to log in to your PAA membership, go to Resources and then look in the Documents Library for ‘Recommendations for Rates and Engagement of Pilates Method Instructors’.

Professional Development Points (PDPs)

The PAA Conference is an inclusive experience bringing the wider Pilates community together; it is open to non members as well as members.

However, PAA membership will entitle you to a significant discount on the price of your ticket.

Evidence can be in the form of an invoice or letter displaying the following information:

  • the date of the workout
  • the provider’s business information (logo, business name, address, contact details i.e. a standard letterhead)
  • the name of the instructor providing the workout
  • the name of the recipient
  • the duration of the workout

Yes, the majority of the workshops listed in our Approved Workshop section are open to the general public. They have simply been submitted for our assessment process which means our members can accrue points by attending.

There may be one or two that are aimed at specific groups​​ or have special entry requirements. If anything listed interests you, please contact the organiser to find more details.

Hint: the last column in the workshop list tables is a link to the organiser’s website.​​

In recognition that remote and regional members may find it more difficult to attend approved face to face workshops, additional points may be accrued from approved online workshops and Pilates sessions with PAA Principal members.

Check the PDP accrual table for details.

If you live in one of the following states you are considered a remote member:

  • NT
  • WA
  • ACT
  • SA

If you are not classed as remote, but live over 100km from the following cities then you are a regional member:

  • Brisbane
  • Sydney
  • Melbourne

Studio & workplace

As a PAA member you can find information about Workplace Health and Safety in the Resources area of your online PAA membership profile:

  • log in here
  • use menu on the left to go to Resources
  • view the Document Library
  • find the ‘WorkPlace Health & Safety Professional Checklist’


Your business can legally play music protected by Copyright by getting permission first. Permission can be from OneMusic Australia in the form of a licence for millions of songs in its catalogue, from the artists themselves for every song, through a background music supplier or other means. You need permission or a licence when your stream music in your business.

The PAA supports the legal rights of musicians – under the Copyright Act (1968) – to be paid when their music is in use in a wellness or fitness business.

A licence from OneMusic Australia provides permission for Pilates instructors and business owners to play the vast majority of the music heard on radio, TV, music-streaming services as well as music that is bought online or bought from a retailer. (Even if you pay a music-streaming service to provide your music a licence is still required). Licence fees form royalty income which are paid out direct to music creators.

Music licensing is as crucial as any other service and legal requirement that your business need to arrange. Failure to comply may result in legal action.

There are licences to suit a variety of different scenarios (background music, motivational class music, etc). A simple online tool makes getting your licence easy

One Music Information Sheet – Fitness Centre and Fitness and Wellbeing Instructors

As a student of a PAA registered Education Body you may be expected to teach under supervision as part of your training program. This activity will be arranged by your training provider and covered by their insurance.

For all other situations, you must be qualified before you teach Pilates. You must also hold Professional Indemnity insurance and a comprehensive government accredited first aid certificate (HLTAID003).



To be legally allowed to work in Australia, all overseas visitors and immigrants must hold an appropriate work visa, regardless of their qualifications. Check the following government website for further details:

Once you have your visa, Pilates is not a regulated industry in Australia so you are not required by law to be registered or licensed with a professional organisation in order to instruct. However, many instructors find that joining the PAA gives them credibility and shows their commitment to the Pilates profession in Australia. It is also a useful source of support and advice for members.

You will also, in most cases, be expected to hold a comprehensive First Aid qualification, (Provide First Aid) and have Professional Indemnity and Personal Liability insurance cover.

We suggest calling St John’s Ambulance who can recommend the type of first aid equipment and signage your studio needs and can also provide ongoing first aid products to keep your kits up-to-date.

St John’s: 1300 360 455

St John’s Ambulance


Certificate 3 or 4 in Fitness does not include Pilates, therefore the scope of practice will not cover you to teach Pilates without additional Pilates-specific training.

As well as a comprehensive first aid certificate (e.g. HTLAID011) ​​you will need Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance. Your insurer will also require evidence of your Pilates training before insuring you to teach.

The PAA have minimum standards for Pilates instructors and members, with a Pilates-specific qualification of either Certificate IV for teaching mat/reformer group classes, or a Diploma in Pilates instruction for teaching studio.

Our recommended Professional Pilates training providers and courses can be found here:

As a student of a PAA registered Education Body you may be expected to teach under supervision as part of your training program. This activity will be arranged by your training provider and covered by their insurance.

For all other situations, you must be qualified before you teach Pilates. You must also hold Professional Indemnity insurance and a comprehensive government accredited first aid certificate (HLTAID003).



Technical Support

First log in to your membership and check whether you need to update, or add, any documents with this renewal (Provide First Aid, Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance, PDP certificates).

Note: you do not need to upload any documents that are already on file and up to date.

  • Use the menu to the left of the member log in and choose ‘Apply Now’ (see diagram)
  • Then select ‘Renew Membership’

Showing the location of the enu item 'Renew Membership'

First log in to your membership: member login

Then use the menu at the top left (see diagram below) and choose Upload Documents.

Use the browse button to search your device for the file you wish to upload and select it, then press upload. If it has uploaded correctly it will appear in the document list on your file.




If you need a screenshot to send to support the following instructions might help:


Keyboard Press Command-Shift-3 (This saves the screen to a file on your desktop)


Keyboard Press Ctrl-PrtScn (This saves the screenshot to Memory)

Apple device

  • press and hold the Sleep/Wake button on the top or side of your device.
  • immediately press and release the Home button.
  • to find your screenshot, go to the Photos app > Albums and tap Camera Roll.

Android device

  • press the power button and volume-down button together
  • hold for a few seconds until the screen flashes to signal the screengrab has been captured.
  • it will be saved in a screenshots folder in the gallery.

If this doesn’t work and your phone has a ‘Home’ button try using the home and volume-down buttons.

Note: on some mobile devices the steps may vary due to manufacturer settings.

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