Dear members,
After five years as Vice President of the Pilates Alliance Australasia, it’s time for me to say goodbye!
In 2010 I was asked by Sally Anderson to put myself forward at the AGM election as Vice President of the PAA committee. I did. I was voted in.
I had no idea what it entailed.
When I attended that first official committee meeting, I found a passionate group of people who believed in the worth of the organisation and its commitment to its members. Working with and for the PAA has been an absolute privilege and a huge learning curve.
I’m so proud to have been part of what we have achieved over the past five years: new online management of the members system, fresh branding and a new look for our website. A clear and precise financial system, world class conferences and in 2016 you will see a drive and focus on members’ benefits and education, marketing for the industry as well as Pilates research scholarships.
I will continue to be a member of the PAA and contribute wherever possible and I encourage you all to do the same.
I know I have said this on a number of occasions, but do not underestimate what the committee does for the PAA and never underestimate how your voice as a member can make a difference. The PAA committee needs to hear your opinions if they are to tailor future programs and events around your needs and interests.
The AGM is November 20. There are a few open positions on the committee, so it might just be the right time for you to consider becoming involved if you haven’t already.
So before I hang up my hat, it’s time now to put the complete post production for the PAA Conference and attend one more meeting for PAA work plan 2016!
I will see many of you at the AGM, but for those who I won’t get to see, keep on learning, work hard, set your goals and have fun as you set out to achieve everything you set out to do in life!!
It’s been a pleasure working with and for you all!
Olga Tamara
PAA Vice President
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