Louise Clyne
Pilates 44 Studio, Polestar Pilates, Bathurst NSW
Emerging Instructor in Focus
Instructor Name: Louise Clyne
Studio(s) you study or work at: Pilates 44 Studio, Polestar Pilates
Location: Bathurst (Brookvale) NSW
Instructor training: Complete Matwork Series, Polestar
PAA Level: Student
What originally motivated you to try Pilates and then go on to train as an instructor?
I was introduced to Pilates about 5 years ago and had a sporadic start – I was originally trying to rehab an ACL reconstruction. Pilates was something I could do as most of the sports I was playing were no longer available to me. Pilates made me realise that I really missed being challenged and the feeling I had when I pushed myself to exercise and do things I had never done before.
I started with Pilates 44 Studio at Bathurst. This is where I realised what Pilates really was and how it could and does benefit me and so many others. It is also when I saw major improvements in my mobility and my ability to enjoy many more activities without feeling pain and stiffness. Also that you don’t have to be young to get the benefits, you are never too old, or too young or too broken to gain some sort of benefit from Pilates. And it is not gender specific either.
What did you eat for breakfast?
Oats, with granola and prunes
In one word, describe your first Pilates teaching/apprentice teaching experience?
What was the most unexpected part of your training?
The confidence boost and reminder that in doing this for myself I am also able to help others.
Your ‘go to’ website for all things Pilates (other than PAA)?
What’s your favourite Pilates podcast? Why do you recommend it?
The ones on Pilates Anytime website
The best advice you’ve ever had?
Don’t be afraid to try new things. What is the worst that could happen ? You could be great at it.!
An indulgence you can’t live without?
How long have you been a member of PAA and how did you hear about PAA?
Just joined – Heard via Polestar Mentor
Do you have a motto?
Be yourself and the rest will fall into place.
What’s the most challenging aspect of learning to teach?
Confidence in yourself.
What would be your advice for new students?
Just enjoy the journey and re-watch the videos, re-read the manuals.
How do you use PAA?
To keep up to date with news, events and advice.
Who is your Pilates idol or would love to meet, and why?
Brent Anderson – Brent has taken Pilates to the next level and has adapted it for modern users and made it accessible to more people. Which means more people are being helped to live as best they can.
What do you appreciate most about your body?
That it is working with me and not against me and it never ceases to amaze me how adaptable and amazing it is.
The book you’re currently reading?
Still Life by Louise Penny – A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel

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