Professional Development Workshops

Workshops Registered with the PAA for Award of PDPs

Overview of PDP requirements for members:

Evidence of professional development is required each year at your membership renewal. The following totals apply for each two year PDP period:

  • Full members – 20 points
  • Matwork members – 15 points
  • Students/Associate members – not required

Within each period:

  • Minimum 5 PDPs are required in any one-year membership period
  • Minimum 50% points from Pilates specific courses
  • Minimum 50% points from face to face courses (Temporarily waived)

More detailed information on professional development and PDP requirements may be found here: PDP Guidelines

Using the table

Listings are grouped in tabs by State, in date order. Click on the link in the last column for additional information and how to book.

Cyber Wardens Level One** (no cost, supported by Australian Government)N/A0.5Council of Small Business Organisations of Australia
Application of Strength in Pilates StudioBen Rashleigh12Reach Movement Health
Pilates for Sports CyclingNoeleen O'Shea12Pilates for Sports
Graduate program for Movement SpecialistAva Rodriguez0.5 per hour (7 max)Movement Beyond with Ava
Pelvic Floor Function and Dysfunction in the Pilates settingLora Rainey, Lydia Barlow3.5Spine and Sports
Pilates for Visceral MobilisationKerry Etkin, Liz Noad8Reach Movement Health
Pilates Instructors Exercises for PregnancyAlice Evans12Evidence for Exercise
Exercises for the ShoulderAlice Evans5Evidence for Exercise
Pilates Stands UpCarla Mullins4Body Organics
Springing this Joint**Carla Mullins15Body Organics
Around the World with Polestar MastersShelley Power, Brent Anderson, Alexander Bohlander, Christi Idavoy, Alice Becker1 per class (15 max)Polestar
Reach Hydration Sally Anderson15Reach Movement Health
Reach PosturePlusSally Anderson, Sonia Owens15Reach Movement Health
Reach ReformerFitSally Anderson, Andrew Aroustian15Reach Movement Health
Reach Calm and Centred Sally Anderson15Reach Movement Health
Pre-Pilates Techniques with Deborah LessenDeborah Lessen8Reach Movement Health
On The Reformer Long BoxSally Anderson5Reach Movement Health
Hands to Arms to ShouldersSally Anderson3Pilates International
The Center Method for Diastasis Recti RecoveryCarolyne Anthony7.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Rocking and Rolling to Release Carolyne Anthony3.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Pilates for Menopause (Health and Exercise) Mat Theory and PracticalCarolyne Anthony3.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Pilates for Menopause Equipment TrainingCarolyne Anthony6The Center for Women's Fitness
Pre and Postnatal Mat Theory and PracticalCarolyne Anthony8.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Pre and Postnatal Pilates EquipmentCarolyne Anthony3.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Support your Floor- Pelvic Floor HealthCarolyne Anthony3.5The Center for Women's Fitness
Pilates for HypermobilityKerry Etkin3Pilates International

Anatomy Dimensions: The Feet
(Plus optional post course tutorial)

Carla Mullins6 (2)Body Organics

Anatomy Dimensions: The Knee
(Plus optional post course tutorial)

Carla Mullins3.5 (2)Body Organics

Anatomy Dimensions - The Pelvis One, Psoas & Sacrum
(Plus optional 2hr face to face)

Carla Mullins6 (2)Body Organics

Anatomy Dimensions - The Pelvis Two, Hip & Femur
(Plus optional 2hr face to face)

Carla Mullins6 (2)Body Organics
Pilates for Active AgeingLouise Taube15Taube Pilates
Pregnancy and Postnatal courseLouise Taube15Taube Pilates
Pilates for Osteoporosis and OsteopeniaLouise Taube15Taube Pilates
Movement Analysis: a new perspective on Pilates AnatomyLouise Taube15Taube Pilates
Turning a Lump of Coal into Diamonds**Adrienne Varga and Jodie Fielden 1

For PAA Members only.
These are free webinars which can be found under Resources in the PAA Member's Area.
Complete the assessment and upload to your profile for PDPs.

Reformering Your MatChris Lavelle2
Stress Response and the Immune System Implications**Carla Mullins1
Post COVID: Managing fatigue, cognitive dysfunction, and breathlessness**Carla Mullins1.5

**approved non-Pilates workshop

Pilates Anytime Approved Workshops

Link: Pilates Anytime/Workshops

* A subscription is required to view Pilates Anytime premium videos.

PAA Members have access to an extended free trial period of 30 days, check Resources/Member Benefits on your membership page for details.

Workshop titlePresenterPDPs
Claiming ImmunityCarla Mullins1.5
Interoception of MovementElizabeth Larkam and Tom Myers3
The Cervical PowerhouseCara Reeser and Jeremy Laverdure2
Shoulder BiomechanicsKaren Clippinger2
Biotensegrity of Movement**Elizabeth Larkam and Tom Myers2
Alignment, Load, and TempoBrent Anderson3
Freedom of the ShouldersCara Reeser and Jeremy Laverdure2
Spine Anatomy and Core BasicsKaren Clippinger4
Sitting is the New Smoking**Brent Anderson2
Understand the Pelvic Floor**Brent Anderson4
Runity: Pilates for Runners**Juan Nieto2
FasciaFocused Pilates**Elizabeth Larkam and Tom Myers2.5
Wobbly - A Balance Workshop**Mariska Breland3.5
Advanced Screening SkillsBrent Anderson4.5
Myth and Science of Breath**Brent Anderson2
Lumbo-Pelvic Pain**Brent Anderson3.5
Neuroscience and Exercise**Mariska Breland4
Pilates for ScoliosisMadeline Black3
Support the ArmsMadeline Black3
Back Care WorkshopBrent Anderson2
Hip ConnectionsMadeline Black3.5

**approved non-Pilates workshop

23-24 FebruaryMovement specialistAva Rodriguez5Movement Beyond with Ava

**approved non-Pilates workshop

Bookings open early 2025. Date tbc.Pilates Tradition to InnovationSally Anderson, Lanette Helene, Katrina Edwards8CanberraReach
7-9 and 14-16 MarchAPEI Teacher's Classical System ProgramOlga Tamara15SydneyAuthentic Pilates Education
21 MarchCAM Sensa Ball Self Myofascial Release techniques ( Rocking and Rolling To Release)Carolyne Anthony, Lauren Jones8ParramattaMovement Collective
11 AprilCAM Pelvic Floor Health Support Your FloorCarolyne Anthony, Lauren Jones6ParramattaMovement Collective
2 MayPatho KinesiologyBrent Anderson8BrookvalePolestar Pilates Education
3-4 MayAlign the World Tour Brent Anderson10ManlyPolestar Pilates Education
3-5 May Joe's GADGETS at The Pilates ExpoOlga Tamara2SydneyThe Pilates Expo
10 MayWomen's Health Workshop for Perimenopause**Simmone Cser-Pratzky, Miriam Rose Cullen3BathurstPilates 44 Studio
11 MaySenescense 70+ **Simmone Cser-Pratzky, Miriam Rose Cullen2BathurstPilates 44 Studio
23 MayCAM Pelvic Floor Health Support Your FloorCarolyne Anthony, Lauren Jones6ParramattaMovement Collective
1 NovemberWomen's Health Workshop for Perimenopause**Simmone Cser-Pratzky, Miriam Rose Cullen3BathurstPilates 44 Studio
2 NovemberSenescense 70+ **Simmone Cser-Pratzky, Miriam Rose Cullen2BathurstPilates 44 Studio

** approved non-Pilates workshop

2 MarchMastering Menopause with Pilates: Harnessing Hormonal Harmony Louise Taube8St Kilda EastTaube Pilates
28 MarchScolio-Pilates Module 1 Professional SeminarHelen New8WindsorPrecision Pilates
29-30 MarchScolio-Pilates Module 2 Professional SeminarHelen New14WindsorPrecision Pilates
1-4 MayScolio-Pilates Module 3 Professional SeminarHelen New15WindsorPrecision Pilates
27 JuneKnowing the NeckBen Rashleigh3.5MelbourneAligned for Life

** approved non-Pilates workshop

No scheduled workshops. Please check back soon.

** approved non-Pilates workshop

21-24 AugustScolio-Pilates Professional Seminar Module IIIHelen New15MyareePilatesITC

**approved non-Pilates workshop

25 March 2025Knowing the NeckBen Rashleigh3.5BlackwoodThe Pilates Studio Blackwood

**approved non-Pilates workshop

No scheduled workshops. Please check back soon.

**approved non-Pilates workshop

No scheduled workshops. Please check back soon.

**approved non-Pilates workshop