Professional Development Outline
The Pilates Association Australia encourages professional development for its members. The PAA advertises approved workshops to ensure its members receive updated education and information relevant to the Pilates Method in accordance with our mission statement and codes. Courses, seminars and workshops that have been assessed by the PAA are published on our web site.
The PAA regards professional development to be based on the following fundamentals:
- Relevance – what makes a difference in the Pilates industry?
- Research – what are the latest findings and what is their impact?
- Forums for continuing discussion and debate.
- Sharing of information amongst members.
If a program is not published on the website and you wish to gain Professional Development Points (PDPs) for attending, be mindful that such courses are considered to be non-approved programs and will therefore not be allocated full PDPs.

PDP Accrual
PDPs are evidence of the currency of your education
Professional Development - PDP Accrual
The accrual of PDPs is an important process for any professional, particularly in an industry that is constantly developing, evolving and applying new research and ideas. PDPs are evidence of the currency of your education and provide the PAA with a basis for maintaining your currency of membership and health fund requirements.
Evidence of PDPs
Members are required to accrue the following number of PDPs over each two-year period:
- Pilates Practitioner and Studio Instructor members – 20 points
- Group Instructor (Mat/Reformer) members – 15 points
- Students/Associate members – not required
Evidence of ongoing PDP accrual is required each year with your membership renewal.
A minimum of 5 PDPs are required in any one-year period, ensuring continuing education is spread evenly throughout the two-year membership period and currency of knowledge is maintained.
50% or more PDPs must be accrued from Pilates specific courses, which focus on Pilates content, skills and competencies.
50% or more PDPs must be accrued from face to face courses. (Temporarily waived)
Professional development workshops or courses must reflect learning that is of a higher standard than industry entry-level certification.

Pilates specific content
Approved Pilates programs must include Pilates specific content
Approved Pilates programs and Workshops
Approved Pilates programs are those which have been submitted to the PAA for assessment by the organiser and registered for points. They must include Pilates specific content, skills and competencies that directly enhance a certified Pilates instructor’s professional development. Programs must reflect learning that is beyond industry entry-level certification.
These programs will attract 1 PDP per hour and all programs must incorporate an assessment component.
- The presenter must be minimum PAA Trainer Level 1, or international presenters must be an Elder, a recognised second generation Pilates professional or a Pilates Teacher Trainer with recognised international training program with minimum 5 years experience to receive full points.
- All programs require an assessment of program outcomes to be included in the presentation prior to PDPs being awarded. For example, participants need to complete a questionnaire based on the program content, participate in a verbal quiz or practical assessment.
- Must be a Pilates-based program presenting repertoire, skills and information beyond industry entry-level certification.
- Each hour of full contact and assessment = 1PDP.
- A maximum of 15 PDPs may be awarded for any one program.

Anatomy, physiology, pathology or business development
Must enhance the education of the certified Pilates instructor
Non-Pilates programs and Workshops
Non-Pilates programs include an extension of learning beyond certification level in anatomy, physiology, pathology and business development. It is not Pilates content, but is related to and will enhance the education of the certified Pilates instructor.
Non-Pilates programs and workshops may account for up to 50% of your PDP requirement.
All courses:
- must be delivered by an acknowledged ‘expert’, or suitably qualified and respected individual in their field or profession. You are required to supply a presenter biography.
- The full PDP amount stated on your certificate from non-approved sources may not be approved by the PAA. You are required to supply a full course outline for assessment of course content.
- Complementary movement based techniques are not eligible for PDPs.
Anatomy, physiology, pathology will attract 1 PDP per hour.
Business development will attract 0.5 PDP per hour.

Options for accruing PDPs
Ways PAA members may accrue PDPs
Ways PAA members may accrue PDPs
- Attend PAA approved Pilates specific professional development programs with a maximum of 15 PDPs awarded for any one event.
- Attend professional development programs delivered by PAA registered training organisations. Please refer to Workshops
- Attend formal workout sessions with PAA Principal members, where a maximum of 4 PDPs may be awarded per 2 year period (maximum 6 for Remote & Regional).
- Write and have published a research article for an industry-specific publication. A maximum of 6 PDPs may be awarded.
- Deliver a Pilates professional development program. A maximum of 4 PDPs may be awarded.
- Online Pilates specific workshops – PAA approved.
- Attend non-Pilates programs in Advanced pathology, anatomy extension, physiology. PDPs are allocated at 1 per hour.
- Attend business development programs. PDPs are allocated at 0.5 per hour.
- Attend non-approved Pilates specific educational programs. PDPs for these programs are allocated a maximum of 50% and a full course outline, presenter CV/bio and evidence that the content is beyond entry-level certification is required.
Ways for PAA members to accrue PDPs is also listed in the PDP Accrual Table.

Remote and Regional only
Distance, remote, and online learning
Professional Development - Remote and Regional Members
Remote and regional members only:
- Members may undertake additional distance or remote learning tasks and programs administered by PAA registered training organisations.
- Additional points may be accrued for Pilates sessions with PAA Education Body faculty members or PAA Principal members.
- A maximum of 6 PDPs per professional development period may be awarded.
Members living in the following states are considered remote:
- NT
- WA
- SA
Members living over 100km from the following cities are considered regional:
- Brisbane
- Sydney
- Melbourne

PDP Extension
For Maternity or extenuating circumstances
Maternity leave - Pro rata PDP accrual
Maternity leave – Extension to PDP due date:
The PAA provides members taking maternity leave the opportunity to extend their PDP period for up to 12 months, either pre or post-natal.
Members must apply in writing to the Committee before their maternity leave begins. Please email requests to:
Extenuating circumstances – Extension to PDP due date:
Extensions to PDP due dates may be considered in extenuating circumstances (eg. illness). However, on approval of an extension the next two year PDP period will be shortened by the equivalent amount, to maintain PDP and membership renewal date alignment.
Applications for extension must be made in writing to the Committee prior to your PDP due date: Please email requests to: