PAA member, Stephanie Rand
Getting to know Stephanie, our lucky conference ticket winner
We are excited to announce that PAA member, Stephanie Rand, is the lucky winner of the free 2017 Conference ticket after her name was selected in the prize draw for the PAA survey respondents.
We thought you might like to know a little bit more about Stephanie so we asked her a few questions about herself and her practice:
What are you most looking forward to at the conference?
I have recently started doing some Authentic Pilates with Kim Paxton and so am looking forward to attending Olga Tamara’s Exchange of Energy with Hands on Teaching Techniques workshop as I believe that touch is such a powerful way to connect with your client.
What is the best part of being a member of the PAA?
The best part of being a PAA member is winning a free ticket to the PAA conference in September 🙂 – and also bringing like-minded individuals together to promote the wonderful Pilates method!
What is your favourite exercise?
My favourite exercise would have to be Swan Dive on the mat – I find this exercise personally very challenging but it’s such a great way to dynamically reverse bad posture, and always puts a smile on people’s faces.
Where is the most unusual place you have practiced Pilates?
The most unusual place I have practiced pilates is probably crammed between bunk beds in a hostel in Japan after a day of skiing.
We’re very much looking forward to meeting Stephanie in a few short weeks, as well as all the other conference attendees at the ICC Darling Harbour, Sydney.
See you there!!!
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