Committee News January 2021
Last Friday, 22 January, saw the first meeting of the New Year for the PAA Committee. Despite some easing of COVID restrictions it is still difficult to travel interstate so we continue to meet by Zoom. The break over Christmas brought everyone back refreshed and there were some very interesting and productive discussions around all the agenda topics.
Felicia steps down as Secretary
Due to personal circumstances Felicia Darbyshire-Pirie has stepped down from the role of Secretary with immediate effect, but will stay on the general committee and continue with projects she is involved in.
Since we are still some months from our next AGM, the position of Secretary becomes a casual vacancy and has been filled by Ordinary Committee member Karen Goh. Karen has volunteered to take on the responsibilities of Secretary until the next elections are held at the AGM, towards the end of this year.
2021 Conference
Discussion and planning for the 2021 Conference formed a significant part of the meeting last week, with lively debate full of creative ideas on how to deliver an amazing event despite travel restrictions that might still be in place. We are looking at fixing dates in the latter half of the year, possibly September (mark your calendars!) and expect to have more exciting news to share soon!
Sub committees and ongoing projects
At any one time there are many projects on the go for the PAA and a wide variety of tasks involved to support and advocate for our members and for the Pilates industry. Every committee member has a part to play, however, many hands make light work!
If you’d like to help the PAA complete more projects and achieve our goals then we would love to hear from you!
Possible topic areas include (and not limited to!):
- Advocacy, promoting Pilates and the PAA, educating public/health/government
- Conference planning, sponsorship, operations & logistics
- Social Media and newsletters, book reports, articles, challenges
- Podcasts/local meetups/Online social events/Facebook & Instagram live
- Education, professional development, liaising with training providers
- Research, NTREAP, articles supporting Pilates, internal & external surveys
- Member Benefits and engagement
There’s something for everyone! Email support@pilates.org.au right now and say hello!
2021 Member Survey
It’s just over a year since we conducted our 2020 Member Survey, where we collected feedback and information from members about your working situation and PAA membership.
We want to be sure we stay up to date so that we understand your situation and are able to consider your views with regards your PAA membership. Therefore, a survey with similar questions, slightly updated in view of the strange year that was 2020, will be arriving in your inbox soon.
When you receive it please complete it promptly and answer candidly! Your responses will help the Committee set goals for the PAA and plan for the future, so please speak your mind.
Comments are closed.