Christmas Wishes from the Fab Four

Dear Pilates Colleagues,

I had such a great time with all of you at the PAA conference in September, and felt a true spirit of healing amongst all. I especially enjoyed working with Mejo, Blossom and Brett and sharing stories, energy and teaching skills. It was a powerful statement to have us all together celebrating unity in our wonderful profession as a Pilates Teacher.

As we approach the Christmas and holiday season, it is my desire that we can reflect on all the things we are grateful for and the joy that comes into our lives by helping ourselves, family, friends and our community enjoy the first requisite of happiness, which is ‘Health’. May God bless all of us with health, happiness and continued drive to maximize our potential.

Sending much love and Christmas cheer,


To my new found Pilates friends,

As 2013 comes to a close, I have you all in my thoughts. Meeting, working and laughing with you at the PAA conference was a highlight for me this past year. It was a joy and a pleasure to be in your country and an unforgettable experience. Thank you again for your open minds, open hearts and sweat too. Until we meet again, I wish you all a wonderful holiday and a 2014 full of good health and happiness!



To my Australian Pilates Family,

I’d like to wish everyone a wonderful holiday season. I thank all of you for the amazing experience that you provided me in Australia this year. The PAA conference was definitely a memorable highlight in my year. It was great meeting so many lovely people and being able to share with each other our passion of Pilates. It was such an honor to have been able to teach next to my friends MeJo, Blossom and Brent.
The Aussie spirit is amazing. Thanks again for such a warm welcome. I wish everyone the best in 2014!

All the best!


To my Pilates Family in Australia,

I hope the spirit and energy we felt together at the PAA Conference has kept you all inspired and eager to learn more about this vast Method we teach. It was such a pleasure coming to Sydney for the first time and working with all of you. Thank you for making it one of my treasured highlights for 2013. I enjoyed working with such positive, hard working, genuine, and strong individuals who took time out of their busy lives to join us at the conference and learn more about Classical Pilates.

As we approach the holiday season, I remind each of you to take a moment and reflect how fortunate we are. As teachers, we are fortunate to be doing something we truly love and believe in. We are fortunate to be able to apply our knowledge and talents to help others in need, and we are so fortunate have the opportunity to build such strong bonds with so many incredible individuals.

I’m personally proud of the fact that I humbly consider many of my colleagues, (including Brett, Brent, Blossom) my friends.

I wish you all a wonderful holiday season and hope you are able to spend time with the ones that mean the most to you. I’m looking forward to coming back to Australia in July 2014 and hope to see you then.

Happy Holidays and Best of health in 2014!


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