Booty Barr Workshop

The Booty Barre is an international barre fitness company specializing in instructor trainings. With over 1000 instructors in 18 countries, Booty Barre is the hottest barre workout that lifts and tones the total body with a combination of Pilates, dance, and deep muscle conditioning. Booty Barre is supported by multiple consumer DVDs, fans worldwide, and international print and media exposure. Offer your clients the barre fitness class they’ve been asking for and join the Booty Barre team today! No PAA PDPs with this workshop


Why Choose the Booty Barre®?

  • Comprehensive instructor training and class options for different populations
  • Safety guidelines for injury prevention
  • Effective verbal and nonverbal cueing techniques
  • Modifications for multi-level classes
  • Ongoing new choreography releases
  • Continuing education courses and manuals
  • No licensing or franchising fees
  • Marketing and branding materials for licensed instructors
  • International PR exposure

Upcoming Course in Australia:

April 27-28, 2013

at Wellcentred (150 Pacific Hwy North Sydney • NSW 2060)

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