Human Kinetics 2016
Postural Correction – An illustrated guide to 30 pathologies is a follow up book to the 2012 book Postural Assessment by the same author. The initial book looked specifically at postural assessment and processes on how to accurately diagnose the issues. The second book progresses onto problem solving and the development of a rehabilitative program to address the issues. This is a fabulously presented book outlining common pathologies, the sequale behind them and how to identify them. Each sector is clearly outlined and easy to read, allowing for a comprehensive go to guide for the practitioner.
Specifically, the text looks at,
- Assessment and problem solving
- Gaining rapport with the client
- When and how to refer onto other allied health practitioners
- Treatment planning
- Aftercare
The text is divided nicely into section of the body,
- Cervical spine
- Thoracic spine
- Lumbar spine
- Scoliosis
- Pelvis
- Lower Limb ( Hips, knees, ankles)
- Shoulder
- Elbow
I personally love the way the text is separated by clearly labelled pictures and diagrams demonstrating key points. Throughout the book , there are additional charts highlighting strong points.
The text outlines the pathologies under the points of what is the cause, consequences of the pathology, tables of associated muscle imbalances, what you can do as a practitioner and what your client can be guided to do to help themselves.
I highly recommend this book to all Pilates Practitioners of any level of experience. The book is delivered in print format or eBook, both via Human Kinetics Australia.
To learn more about Postural Correction click here.
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