Kia Williams’ book ‘Functional Core for Women – Targeted training for glutes and abs‘ is a great resource for any woman wanting to workout from home. Whilst also equipping them with knowledge to understand the core’s function a little better, it clarifies which muscle groups are involved. This is especially helpful for anyone without a background in anatomy and physiology.
The primary focus of the book (as set out in the title) are abdominals and glutes. A newly qualified fitness instructor looking for repertoire ideas and some guidance on how to teach the exercises, what to be cautious of and any recommended regressions or progressions, would also benefit from reading this book.
This book is able to be read quickly, which is an added bonus for any busy woman! It provides a lot of useful tools, such as sample workouts, detailed descriptions of each exercise with photographs, anatomical diagrams, which are all simple to understand.
A chapter is also spent discussing the importance of setting personal goals and a helpful SMART goal setting resource is provided for the readers.
Throughout the book Kia Williams also stresses the importance of form and that “for effective results and injury prevention, your form, alignment, and movement technique should be solid…”. This is fantastic to see, especially if recommending this book to clients or anyone without a movement background.
Reviewed by Mariana Borovina, PAA Professional Level 1 Member
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Functional Core for Women, Targeted Training for Glutes and Abs was generously supplied for review by Human Kinetics and is available from Booktopia with an additional 10% PAA member discount (check under Resources in your membership area for the Human Kinetics discount code).
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