It’s never too late…
In my seventies and with a litany of complaints and ailments, including being obese, requiring two knee replacements, suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and having a peripheral neuropathy, I was not exactly anyone’s ideal image of a Pilates client. Just getting onto a reformer was a major hurdle and lowering myself onto and off the floor was simply not possible!
So when I first appeared for an initial consultation and assessment of my conditions and needs, my Pilates instructor knew she had a challenge on her hands.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
We began with breathing and core work aimed at activating and mobilising my muscles and limbs, albeit in a very limited range of movement. The peripheral neuropathy meant I did not know where my feet were, so even basic leg and footwork was a major challenge. We persevered and, remarkably, my body developed its own form of spatial awareness. My two knee replacements came and went with spectacular ease. I have increased strength and endurance, now enjoy better posture and I have improved my balance, thrown away my walking stick and walk with a noticeably improved gait.
From its earliest days, Pilates techniques have often been associated with rehabilitation, enabling people to work their muscles on a horizontal plane or in a supported environment. Just as Joseph Pilates worked with bedridden service men, I have been fortunate in finding a Pilates teacher, with the skills and patience to work with me in retraining the many small muscles that have contributed over time to my disordered movement patterns and gait.
I might have been intimidated by the thought of having Pilates sessions, but some years ago, a chance first experience with the method (what I really enjoyed was the music and lack of sweat!) opened my eyes to its potential. Unfortunately, circumstances prevented me from persisting at that time, however, the good feelings associated with my brief involvement all those years ago prevailed and I’m happy to have found a studio and instructor prepared to work with my many issues. What originally began as an onerous, though necessary commitment born out of desperation and need, has now become a celebration and a way of life.
My twice-weekly Pilates sessions are an essential and much loved part of my world!
Joy Mahant
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