Announcing our new Member Relations Officer and fond farewell to Carolyn
It is my great delight to announce that Sharan Simmons will be taking over the role of Member Relations Officer (MRO) for the PAA. Sharan brings a wealth of experience to the role, having served on PAA committees over the past nine years. She understands the specifics of the role & will hit the ground running.
Carolyn Antony will be retiring on Friday January 14 after eight years as MRO and the prior seven years as PAA Administrator. Carolyn has made an enormous contribution to the PAA over that time and it is with some sadness that we will say farewell. Carolyn & her husband Robert are looking forward to relaxing and having more time together.
Carolyn will be working with Sharan for this week to finalise handover.
Our phone number for membership related support will be changing to 04-83838-292 with the hours remaining the same. The email address also remains the same: info@pilates.org.au
I am sure you all wish both Sharan & Carolyn the best in their new roles.
Robyn Rix, President

Carolyn's Farewell after 15 Years with PAA
As I leave the PAA after 15 years, from Administrator to Member Relations Officer, I wanted to thank all our members over the years, both those from the beginning and new members, who have made my job so enjoyable.
A special thank you to all the committees over the years since I joined in March 2006, who have worked tirelessly as volunteers, giving hours of their personal time, for our members and the PAA to grow this Pilates Industry Body to give it the prestige it now holds.
One more thank you to Kerry Haywood, System Support Officer who has been a joy to work alongside and has given myself and our members much assistance.
Last yet not least, to Stan Barnes of Bookings Essential who set up our online data systems and website and has given much time to the PAA over the years. Many would have met him at the pre Covid PAA Conferences working at the reception desk.
I leave my position after a handover the week of the 10th January, in the very capable hands of Sharan Simmons, our past President, Vice President and Education Officer.
Who better to answer Members queries on membership and PDPs.
I shall watch with interest as the PAA continues to grow, supported by members who in turn are supported by the PAA. Members as hours are reached, please do apply for an upgrade to the next level.
Take very good care of yourself and loved ones around you.
Warm Regards
Carolyn Antony – Member Relations Officer
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