Jen Guest PAA President
Happy Spring everyone.
Welcome to our new committee members Lisa Jackson and Joanne Bezzina. It is a delight to have both of you on board. The experience and knowledge you bring to our committee will be a strong asset for all members of the PAA. We also welcome back, for another term, Chris Lavelle who is a valued member and key figure in our research and education sub committees. I would like to sincerely thank outgoing committee members Kristy Smith, Melissa Barry and Mariana Tolj for their wonderful contribution to the PAA committee. Their input, values and dedicated time spent on their roles are very much appreciated.
Well, what a fabulous conference was had in September. Thank you all for your feedback surveys. The venue proved to be favourable and all of our presenters, both international and national, were very well received. The 12 minute video summary of the event posted on Facebook by event manager Olga Tamara summarised the three days beautifully; the light filled spaces and the well attended workshops. Highlights for me were the smiles, the laughter and the sense of cohesion and teamwork. This was something that we all wanted; a coming together of our great Pilates community, by sharing and exchanging ideas with one voice.
You will all be aware of the proposed Health Rebate Reforms announced recently by Health Minister Greg Hunt, indicating the removal of complimentary medicine coverage from our health insurance companies as of April 2019. Although disappointing, we do acknowledge and understand that the scarcity of clinical based evidence has led to this decision. The difficulty our organisation faces is with finding a consistent treatment protocol, including identification of test and control groups, with sufficient numbers to validate the research. This is not easy, because generally treatment plans are individualised. So now is the time to focus on clinical findings, what we see and learn within our own studios, written recommendations of referral from treating doctors, allied health practitioners and specialists. Thank you to those who have already forwarded research articles. We are collating them all and it is great to see support coming from some of Australia’s leading neuro-orthopaedic specialists.
- Do we campaign to the opposition?
- Do we forward our research articles directly to Minister Hunt?
- Do we go to the media?
- Do we explore broader social media avenues?
We are working towards all of the above as we implement ‘Recognising Pilates as a Profession’ as outlined in our Work Plan 2018. In fact we have already begun the work and I would encourage our members to contribute ideas and potential contacts for us to consider. Every contribution you can make will help.
In the meantime, we have 18 months before the reform takes effect. Now is the time to make our presence felt within the wider community, polish your craft and continue the amazing work you do in returning clients to wellness and the enjoyment of living a full life. We are confident in what we do and have testimonials from our clients to support our work. Lifestyle rebates in dollar terms for some clients are already quite low, so in the grand financial scheme of things, financial gains may continue to remain low. In reality, this may mean some clients reduce their sessions by 4-5 classes per year. However, our work isn’t measured in monetary terms only, as what we do has far greater value; it has both rehabilitative and well-being benefits to all who engage in Pilates.
Members, remain confident and positive in the knowledge that your work will continue to improve the health and wellness in all our communities across Australia.
Enjoy a safe and wonderful festive season and I will speak to you all again in the New Year.
Jen xx
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