My Story


It happened to me – fit, feisty, fabulous, fifty (something) …f*#k.

A large, fast-growing carcinoma was invading my breast. We had moved house, I had opened my own small Pilates studio, the kids had gone. Life was good.
Dealing with cancer is a shocking, personal and frightful insult.

Nothing can prepare you for this challenge. Months of surgery, chemotherapy and daily radiation lay ahead. I lost control of my life, I lost my energy, my self-esteem, my appetite and a handle on my emotions, not to mention my breast and hair.

During treatment, one thing became obvious. Teaching and maintaining my own exercise routine on a regular and reliable basis, became unmanageable. But – I had Pilates.

There were good days and there were bad days. It was a journey. My clients were not just supportive, they were endlessly and cheerfully patient and understanding as sessions were scheduled, cancelled, rescheduled and then cancelled again. They showed in so many ways that they were in for the long haul and I remain grateful to them for their unflagging confidence, encouragement and most especially, their loyalty. One client even announced during a small group session that I needed to stop teaching and go immediately to hospital and that they would go out to coffee instead of having a session. She was right and I’m grateful that someone sensible was looking out for me. I spent the next three days attached to drips various in our local general hospital. We all laugh about it now.

Then there was my own need to continue my personal Pilates program whenever possible. A young Pilates teacher who works with me took charge. She accompanied me on a flight to Melbourne, arranged a private session with Shauna Hall so I could come home with repertoire and exercises specific to breast and lymph surgery, and then set about ensuring that I performed them safely and as regularly as possible. The end result is testimony to how valuable her effort was. I have no lymphatic oedema and have regained full shoulder mobility and range of movement. My gratitude for all the help I received is hard to articulate.

It wasn’t about how fit I felt, or how well I looked, it wasn’t even about occupying my time and soldiering on, it was that Pilates was calm, it was personal and it was in my body waiting for each and any opportunity to rebuild my strength and wellness whenever the time was right.
It was a space where healing and recovery became a certainty.

It was my own ‘return to life’ and coupled with encouragement from a wonderful husband, my fabulous friends who cheered along the way and support from the wider Pilates community, I have fully regained my energy, my strength and my enjoyment in teaching Pilates.

Mary McArthur
Secretary PAA

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