Video Book Review:

Freedom to Move by Josephine Key

Published by Handspring Publishing 2018


Review of Freedom to Move  – Transcript:

“Wow!” Freedom to Move is an incredible reference and practical resource for movement and manual therapists of all disciplines! Or at least the first half of the book that I’m reviewing for you today, is.  This is the first time I have genuinely had to take a breather from the density of content in a book of this type.  The quality and detail of the material presented in Freedom to Move deserves taking the time to absorb, to give justice to this review.

From diving right in to chapter one to define the factors to consider with spine management, the author then details biotensegrity and neuromotor control, and gives a very clear summary of pain considerations in chapters two and three.  Chapter four then puts many principles together to help the reader connect with the basic (sic) movements, appropriately named “Key fundamental patterns”.

The content of Freedom to Move is extremely well researched, and the author has clearly spent many years keeping good company with some of the world leaders in research and clinical practice and application of the myriad complex concepts presented.

Perhaps it’s an indication that I am fortunate to be 20 years into my Pilates teaching career that I am vigorously nodding as I turn each and every page – because of the way the author has articulated the complex information that is presented throughout.  And it reminds me of the type of extensive tertiary biomechanics and physiology texts we encountered when I studied undergraduate sports-science in the mid-90’s.

I don’t consider myself especially well-read in this area of research, but I am yet to encounter a reference this thorough in integrating so many theoretical and practical principles into one concise offering.  I say this to give you reassurance that if you are feeling overwhelmed with the attention to detail in this book, then take your time and let the concepts simmer and sink in.  I know that I will be taking this approach, inspired to come back time and time again to align my findings in my practical setting with the illustrations and descriptions that are very well thought-out and presented.

The fact that each of the first four chapters have a 2-page bibliography of research papers and publication references is a clear example of how extensively the author has examined the subject.  Along with having synthesised so much information to bring together the thorough explanations, the author furthermore shares the clinical practice evidence of her findings over many years, in the second half of the 350-odd pages, which we’ll explore in part-two of this review.

I am yet to hear Josephine Key speak, but I very much look forward to the next time I have a chance.

Part two of this review to follow!

reviewed by Bruce Hildebrand
PAA Committee member 2020


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