The PAA Annual General Meeting was held on Friday October 21, 2022. This was an opportunity to:
- Appoint new committee members as required.
- Review the 2021/2022 financial year results. These are available here: 2021/22 Financial Results
- Recap the projects undertaken by the PAA during the year.
Committee members who had completed their terms were Karen Goh and Bruce Hildebrand. Both were reappointed to the committee with Karen Goh continuing in the role of Secretary.
We welcome Simmone Czer-Pratzky as a new member of the committee.
Recapping the year commenced with an update on member numbers:
And a review of the strategy summary:
In reviewing the activities of the PAA over the past year:
- We would like to thank Sharan Simmons for her incredible work organising the 2021 conference. It was an outstanding success. Also thank you to all of the people who assisted, presented and attended.
- We would like to thank Dr Penny Latey for her ongoing work on the Natural Therapies Review Advisory Panel. She has worked tirelessly to present Pilates in a professional capacity. Also, we would like to acknowledge Penny’s contribution in advocacy work regarding the unlawful payment of health fund rebates in contravention of Circular 69/18 and making representation to various bodies regarding inadequate training in Pilates of certain allied health professionals. Thank you also to Lizzi Webb from the APMA for assisting with this.
- Thank you to Chris Lavelle, Chair of the Education Committee, who has the daunting task of reviewing Pilates courses to ensure they meet PAA standards. She has also been consulting with training providers to determine the optimal relationship with the PAA.
- Thank you to Deanne Castrioni who very ably assists Chris in the Education role.
- Thank you to Bruce Hildebrand for the many hours of work that he has dedicated to the very success PAA podcast series. Also thank you to Daniela Di Fabio for her assistance in bringing interesting individuals to the table for interviews.
- Thank you to Karen Goh for her ongoing role as Secretary. She has also begun the process of writing policies and procedures for the PAA.
- Thank you to Meredith Brooks for her fresh eyes in the Treasurer’s role. She has been looking also at the value that members receive, developing a stakeholder strategy and is involved with the website revamp.
- Thank you to Kerry Haywood who is the person behind the scenes who makes sure that everything is operating smoothly. There are too many things to mention that she so competently manages but just a few include the website revamp, a new instructor search facility, social media strategy and member communication.
- Thank you to Natalie Ryan, our social media support person who has made a big impact on the quality and quantity of our social media presence.
- Thank you to Sharan Simmons who took on the role of Member Relations Officer when Carolyn Anthony retired. She has done an outstanding job, ensuring that enquiries are dealt with in a timely manner & looking at ways to improve our processes. She has also been instrumental in developing a mentoring program. Thanks also to Narelle Forbes and Kim Paxton for their involvement in this project. Also, Sharan is well into the planning for the 2023 conference.
- Thank you to Eve Fairbairn who has organised fabulous sessions for our monthly master mat classes.
- Thank you to Andree Lupton who has been developing template document for use in studios and collating information about the Pilates elders along with Eve Fairbairn.
- Thank you to Mary McArthur who stood down from the committee in June 2022 but has agreed to reviewing our constitution.
- Thank you to Susie Bond who has been working with APMA members to move closer to having one Pilates Association in Australia.
I would like to acknowledge the entire committee who take time out of their busy personal and professional lives to work for free for our members. And whilst the staff aren’t volunteers, they put their heart and soul into the PAA.
The committee and staff are a group with diverse views which makes for very rich discussions and informed decision making. I especially appreciate the respectful way that the committee and staff conduct themselves regardless of differences in perspective. I am extremely proud of all that has been achieved this year and look forward to the future as we build on our strong foundations to make an even better association.
And thank you to you, the members who support the PAA. Without you, none of this would be possible. We appreciate the confidence that you place in us & your ongoing commitment to the Pilates industry.
Robyn Rix
PAA President
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